A while back, I read a statement from a radical feminist (I think it was one of the Gloria's) that said, "All sex is rape." I assume that that includes the cuddly, giggly kind that starts out on the couch and ends up God-only-knows-where; with the tender kisses morphing into the more urgent ones that finally result in a frantic discard of clothing and animal-like coupling, with the moaning and groaning and dirty talk and urgent directions and the final climax. And that's just the girl's part.
I even understand what they mean when the feminutz say that. They see sex as an ugly necessity that, even when performed as a sexual need or as a loving act within the bounds of marriage, is still somehow required of them and will always be a symbol of their submission to men. Therefore, it is being forced upon them, and therefore it is rape.
If there is one thing I will never understand -- it is women. This is true of every man on the planet. The reason for this is because even women don't understand women. Sure, the angry, too ugly to be raped, feminists have their theories and maybe in their warped point of view they believe what they are saying. If that is true, I feel sorry for them.
But even if I will never understand women, that doesn't mean I don't understand stuff about them. And one of the things I've glommed onto over the years is another radical statement that comes closer to the real truth about women. That is, "All women are whores."
I think most women believe that they have the power in the relationship. That they have what the male wants and he wants it so badly he is willing to pay for it. The most basic distillation of this process would be prostitution. But women are far more subtle than that. So much so that most of them are not even consciously aware of this truth. They do it by some primal instinct.
But it almost always ends with the female getting what she wants. She is willing to have sex to have children, to keep her man docile, for clothing or jewelery, for vacations and to steer her man either socially, politically or career-wise. She is perfectly willing to trade sex for a visit from mother or with a co-worker for a little attention. She is willing to sell her body for "the perfect wedding" or for "one more fix." Sometimes, to fulfill her own urges, she is willing to trade sex for sex.
The true irony of this conversation is that both radical viewpoints are right. And the reason for this lies in the fundamental differences between men and women. You might say it is the way we are hard-wired.
Men are the hunter-warrior types. You wouldn't know it by looking at the modern version of most men, but honestly, it's still there in his genes somewhere. As a result, it is still in his nature to conquer or, as they say in the neighborhood, to "do her". He gets extreme satisfaction from this. So much so he is willing to trade almost anything for that feeling. Anything from cold hard cash, to a life long commitment to only one woman, living a life of a million compromises and finally the loss of his dignity. All so he can feel like a man.
Women, on the other hand, are the nest builders and collectors of sparkly things. And although nature cruely wired them to enjoy sex, they seem to be better at suppressing the urge than men are, giving them the upper hand in the supply and demand portion of the process. It is this simple little quirk of nature that accounts for "the world's oldest profession."
And that is why both sides are probably right and when things eventually get ugly it always comes down to this:
It must have been Andrea Dwarkin. She came and spoke at my college once. I avoided her presentation like the plague. Although, based upon the photos that appeared in the student paper the following week, I'd say that woman ain't getting much sex..rape or otherwise, in her life.
Correction..."...one of the two Andrea's" should be "...one of the two Andreas." You're dealing with plurals, not possessives.
It has been said that any man that feels that he can understand women, then he is ready for a sex change operation.
My guess is that as long as men are not involved it must be true love.
As far as the strap on is concerned -- maybe they are just mocking men.
Or maybe it is the ultimate example of penis envy.
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