Friday, January 12, 2007

What's Brown and White and . . .

James Brown is still in the news. He's been dead for about three weeks and his greedy ass family is so caught up in not losing any of their (personally) unearned lifestyle that they have apparently forgotten why they all gathered together in their mourning clothes. He's dead -- remember? Bury him, already!

The headline reads: James Brown Remains Unburied Amid Wrangling Over Estate. I think it should read: James Brown's Remains Remain Unburied . . .

It's funnier that way.

The teddy bear is a nice touch

And then there is the whole white chick and her bastard son were locked out of the house and left out of the will thing. It seems that Brown's partner, Tomi Rae Hynie (I'm not making that name up), and their 5 year old son, James Jr., have been left out in the cold. Literally.

Upon Brown's death they have not been allowed back into the estate.

The gates to his home were locked soon after his death, said Buddy Dallas, a Brown attorney, until (other) attorneys could get the estate's legal affairs in order.

The house is owned by the trust and "has been that way since August of 2000," Dallas said. "Technically, the trustees own it for the benefit of the trust. It was not in the name of James Brown and hasn't been that way for years."

Ironically, the Brown Trust seems to be for blacks only and the only affair they seem interested in getting in order is the exclusion of the white chick, Tomi Rae Hynie.

So, as the weeks drag on, James Brown's remains remain.

All I can say, is that his life must have been a real circus. Because the clowns are still running the show.


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