Who isn't sick of hearing people dance around the word "nigger"? I mean, I GET that it is offensive to people of the black persuasion and if they or any people find a particular word for their race offensive, other people should honor their wishes. But I say that any society that is afraid of certain words is way too fragile and headed for more trouble than they are trying to avoid.
They claim an historical negative connotation to the word. Fine. But words change and morph into what we want them to be. Words are merely tools, after all.
What about the word "gay"? It used to mean lighthearted or carefree. Now it's number one meaning in the dictionary is "a homosexual, esp. a man". Do you know what a pain in the ass that change has been to poets and songwriters?
In fact, black people are so messed up over the n-word that they have claimed exclusive rights to it's use while roundly condemning anyone else insensitive or stupid enough to try the same trick. For comedians, who have always pushed the boundaries of civil respect, "nigger" is like walking a tightrope without a net.
But it is just like the overweight kid back in grade school. Once everyone found out he didn't like to be called "fatty" -- who could resist? This occurred for several reasons. First, there was the childish tease factor. Secondly, it was forbidden fruit. And finally, there was the entertainment value. In this case, I think our society, because of the violent reactions that we have seen in response to the word "nigger", has gotten past the tease factor. But the word will always have power as long as it is considered forbidden fruit and shock value has always been a hallmark of our humor.
The word will continue to garner a reaction as long as we, as a society, continue to give it power.
Another problem is that black people really don't know what they want to be called. They have at various times preferred Nigra, Negro, Black, Colored, Afro-American, African-Americans, etc. They still retain a connection to some of them. The NAACP uses the term colored people in their name but colored people has become inclusive of other non-white races as well. BET is the Black Entertainment Network. But I'm not really sure if Black or African-American is the current politically correct form.
I usually just make uncomfortable eye contact and say, "Wassup?"
The reason for our discomfort is that just as soon as we are comfortable with calling our black friends "Negros" they change it to "Blacks". Just as soon as we get comfortable with "Blacks" they change it to "African-Americans". It is a moving target with social consequences designed to keep non-blacks off balance.
My solution is to create a new name for blacks that embodies their black essence and has no historically negative connotations. And, by choosing this new appellation for them, we can all feel comfortable because we will all get the memo at the same time. Additionally, I've used Spanish in creating the name so as to be inclusive to our Hispanic friends.
The new name that I suggest for blacks is "Nuevo Negro" or new black. Its cool, its hip and its now.
Next up: Mid-East Peace.
well if you re no racist then you don t call them anything
Do you mean to say that if anyone refers to blacks by any name (including "blacks") that they are a racist? How do YOU let people know you are referring to Black people when you are talking?
Are we to treat them like Prince and call them The Race Formerly Known as African-Americans?
Would that satisfy you're pure, non-racist heart?
hahahahaha good one.. thats all i gotta say... keep up the great snail work!!!
What do you call them if they are not black in color or does the term "black" have nothing to do with the actual color of the individual. From personal observation I have found all most all to be varying shades of the color brown so why aren't they called "brown"? "Brown" is no more objectional than "black" and much more accurate in description or am I missing some point?
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