In another stunning coup for the science world, researchers have found that exposure to the sun reduces the risk of 16 types of cancer.
That's right, sunlight prevents cancer. After years of warnings and hysterical hyperbola we can all go out in the sun again. Solar ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation is associated with reducing the risks of 16 types of cancer through the natural production of vitamin D. This is the second major study with the same results in the past two years.
According to Dr, Cedric Garland, co-author of the study recently published in Anticancer Research, "Enhancing vitamin D status is the single most important simple thing that people can do to reduce their risk of cancer . . ."
Dr. William Grant explained, "Other recent studies recently found that it takes 1,000 to 1,500 International Units (I.U.) of vitamin D per day to reduce the risk of cancer death by 30-50%. In the U.S., dietary sources provide only 250 to 300 I.U. per day . . . People with fair skin living in the sunnier regions of the country can make 1,500 I.U. of vitamin D in about 20 minutes . . . The public receives a steady barrage of public service messages to avoid the sun and wear sunscreen in order to reduce the risk of skin cancer and melanoma. Unfortunately, such messages do not mention that these risks are counterbalanced to a substantial degree by the advantages of producing vitamin D from solar UVB irradiance. Insufficient UVB (exposure) and vitamin D costs society about 10 times what excess solar UVB does."
Of course, this is bad news for the Sunscreen Industry (who made tanning lotion until they saw where the new dollars were), Dermatologists (who build their practices on promoting bad science and hysteria), Think Tanks (who's sole purpose is to try to spoil or eliminate anything that is fun or enjoyable in America) and Professional Whiners (who support and encourage the rest of these idiots).
Common sense will tell you that there is no way that sunlight can be inimical to human beings. Our bodies are designed to thrive on sunlight and the natural bounty the Earth has to offer. Let me break this down in two directions:
If you are of the religious, God-created-the-world, school of thought: Why would He create humans to live in a world where sunlight (which causes every other living thing to grow) would somehow be harmful to his greatest creation? Wouldn't He have made us to thrive on the source of energy and life that he provided for us?
If you are of the non-religious, big-bang-and-evolution, school of thought: How could we, after millions of years of evolving and adapting to our environment (including the sun) receive more harm than good from sunlight? If sunlight was so bad for us, we would have died off years ago.
It is only in the past thirty or so years that politicians have decided to use science as a social engineering tool. As a result we have been the recipients of a lot of bad news and bad science. Man, in his arrogance, has decided that he can micro-manage our eco-system. He takes insignificant amounts of data and extrapolates doomsday senarios. The media keeps the frenzy going -- not caring or questioning the efficacy of the story because they are driven by ratings and circulation numbers. And bad news sells.
Now, in a brilliant breakthrough, science has "discovered" what anyone else with an ounce of common sense has known all along. Sunlight is good for you. But try using the common sense argument while the clowns are still on the bandwagon.
I am encouraged, however. The pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. Eventually real science and common sense will retake the podium and maybe all the whiners will finally shut up. But it probably won't be any time too soon. It seems the Big Brains at University X have made another startling breakthrough. I just read the following headline:
Study Suggests TV Watching Lowers Physical Activity
Ya Think?
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