Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Liberals Are the New Conservatives

Back in the late sixties and early seventies, the conservatives were trying very hard to preserve the status quo in our society and the liberals were pushing boundaries and leading a social revolution.

The conservatives back then thought the new social freedoms threatened the moral fabric of America. They fought such issues as social drug use, free sex, radical clothing and hair styles, anti-war efforts, women's liberation, music, and the free speech of comedians. They saw these new freedoms all moving us away from God and country. They sought to preserve a simpler, gentler, kinder America.

The liberals of the day saw themselves as explorers and liberators. They sought to open the world up to a plethora of new freedoms. They spoke of freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of (and from) religion, freedom for women, etc. They sought a nirvana of peace and love and personal freedoms.

So, back then, the conservatives were seen as trying to take away the new freedoms and the liberals were seen as promoting personal freedoms and (sort of) anything goes. Over the years there has been a slow, subtle shift in the roles and goals of these two groups.

The liberals grew older and became a selfish, me-centered society. They got a lot of the freedoms they fought for, learned the lessons of speaking up, being vocal, beating a drum until people gave in. But now, instead of fighting for big issues and freedoms, they selfishly fight for their own personal freedom from certain annoyances.
  • If they don't like smoking -- everyone has to stop smoking.
  • If they think the sun is bad for them -- everyone has to wear SPF lotions.
  • If they can't safely use a cell phone in a car -- no one is allowed to.
  • If they can't eat in moderation -- fast food stores must change their menus.
  • If their children are too stupid to ride a bicycle -- everyone's kids have to wear helmets.
  • If they think animals have "rights" -- they harass restaurants and clothing stores.
  • If they have had mean spirited thoughts -- everyone must adopt politically correct speech.
The liberals went from a group that celebrated personal freedoms to a group devoted to taking away the rights of everyone who doesn't share their selfish, narrow world view. The rest of us should not inconvenience them or make them feel uncomfortable in any way.

The conservatives, in the mean time, have charted a fairly steady course. They are still fighting to hold on to the old values and established freedoms. They fought against the changes they thought would hurt our society back then and now they are trying to preserve the freedoms we have all taken for granted for so long. They have been consistently against change.

The irony is that when the old conservatives attempted to block the new freedoms, back then, they were perceived as trying to take freedom away from people. And today's liberals, the very people who made that claim, are now actually taking away those same freedoms.

So, in a sense, liberals are the new conservatives.


Anonymous said...

Great blog, John-the more things change syndrome. The ego at times wears the persona of conservative and at other times, liberal. Yet, it eventually reveals its true nature-selfishness, what's in it for me. Freedom-unattached to any results-now that's beyond conservative or liberal. Hope all is well, missed you guys this past weekend. Kenn

Anonymous said...


Can't tell you how much i enjoy reading your Blog. Today's is excellent. I am new to this engaging spot in the cosmos, so i find myself reading all the back issues. Great fun. I especially liked "My Neighbor's Trees".

Keep 'em coming.

Asa (of Carol)