I have been accused being biased. (The following blog is directed at one individual.)
I am very vocal in my disdain for journalistic bias and I never miss a chance to point it out. There used to be certain rules for journalism. They were the who-what-where-when-why rules. The story was never about the journalist. They were merely there to present the facts. To be a conduit for the raw information.
Now, they think their mission is to "change the world." To "make a difference." They have "causes" and are "on missions." So they end up filtering everything they write through their (usually liberal) biases and prejudices. They slant news stories to reflect their world view. They use scare tactics, hyperbola, and outright lies to make specious points. They are the breeding ground for medical quackery and bad science. They want to be social engineers.
And, amusingly, I have been accused of showing bias in my daily blog. NO SHIT! This blog is about my opinions. It is about my world view.
There is no place on the front page of a newspaper for journalistic opinion. That is what the editorial page is for. It is where the voice of the newspaper can be heard. The rest of the paper is for facts.
I am not a journalist. I've never claimed to be one. I never want to be one. But, somehow, I am supposed to be held to a higher standard than they are? They don't even follow their own rules. But if they did, at least they would have the editorial page on which to voice their opinions. My "critic" doesn't permit me even that. I'm not to show any bias anywhere.
This blog is one big editorial page. It is mostly about humor and creative writing and maybe 5% of the time about real life issues. The mix is my call and the opinions are mine. To claim that I am being too opinionated within my own blog is stupid beyond belief.
I am a conservative, middle-aged, white, Christian male with a sense of humor. That is what you get when you tune into this blog. If you are looking for opinions to validate some liberal-assed agenda, you are in the wrong place. If you are offended by references to God, you are in the wrong place. If you like to laugh a lot and enjoy being occasionally challenged to think, you may be in the right place.
Don't get me wrong. I don't mind an honest, open discussion of whatever the current topic is; that is what the comments section is for. What I do object to is the tone of the comments. Of being accused of being dishonest or intellectually lazy. You are a guest in my house. Be civil or get out. It is easy to stand at a distance and throw rocks. If you have so much invested in your opinions -- start your own blog. See how you like being heckled. Until then, sit in the back of the class and shut up . . .
I have some opinions to give.
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