Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Danny DeVito Blog

I wrote a blog about Danny DeVito the other day. It was about free speech and his right to be a total butt-wipe. The funny thing is that I've never gotten more search hits for my blog than when I used his name. Google, Technorati, AOL -- all served up my blog site as a place that mentioned Danny DeVito.

First, let me say that I thought I did a humorous and insightful piece that day (It was entitled Free Speech?). And that it was deserving of the attention it garnered. But I do wonder as to why so many people were searching on Danny DeVito's name.

Was it because they all think he is a sawed off pant-load who should learn to keep his drunken mouth shut or that he is an amusing character who's always fun to watch? Were people surprised that there was no ensuing scandal or were they hoping for one? We'll probably never care.

Regardless, I'd like to thank Mr. Danny Devito for all the hits I received and that, now that it is all over, to tell him to get the fuck out. I've got other stuff to do.

I am curious about one thing, though. In the original article, I mis-spelled his name. I spelled it DiVito. And all of the hits I received on my blog were from other people mis-spelling his name. So I'm wondering something. (No, it's not how many hits I would have gotten if I had correctly spelled his name.) I'm wondering if maybe HE is spelling it wrong?


1 comment:

Midwestern Recluse said...

*Laughs* Well, looks like you're going to partially find out the answer to your question.

Great blog. Enjoy it!