Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I've Got Those Transanimation Blues

I've been thinking about reincarnation recently. Personally I think it is a dreadful idea. First off, is it supposed to be a reward or a punishment?

What if, in you're next life, you had to be reincarnated as the opposite of what you currently are? Does that mean Einstein would come back as a climatologist? Or that Tom Cruise would be reborn as a great actor?

And what about this whole cow thing? They say they worship cows because they are, or could be, people from past lives. They also believe you can be reincarnated as anything: a bug, a tree, a dog, a middle-aged-white-conservative-blogger, a cow, etc. But they don't worship all of those other things -- they worship the cows. So that must mean that although you can come back as anything, cows have always been somebody else. But I guess that also means that when cows die they can become people again. Maybe that explains why so many fat women insist on wearing leather.

If Karma has a role in what people come back as in their next life, we would all be screwed. But what I'd really like to know, is how bad somebody had to screw up to have come back as Hillary Clinton?

And if we have all been reincarnated from previous people, where are these extra souls coming from? The USA just went over 300,000,000 former cows or dung beetles or whatever? Personally, I don't believe everything in the universe is equal with everything else. Except for some liberal politicians and certain kinds of tree fungus. But there are exceptions to everything.

Which leads me to my final thought on this subject. Since they claim we have all lived as something else before, would a good definition for reincarnation be: a womb with a vu?

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