Friday, November 03, 2006

An Apology

I made a mistake. I was attempting satire in my previous posting about John Kerry but it was a botched attempt. Anyone with any understanding -- you know who I mean -- would know that my wording, and possibly my usage of words, were clearly to blame. I never meant any insult to liars and cowards and my comments were a botched attempt to denigrate Mr. Kerry. But not his office, which I deeply respect.

I do not want to become the issue or the focal point, as it were, in this very divisive campaign. It is more important that the message gets out. And I am willing to let that part remain a little vague because, since I now have all the media attention, that message, if there was one, would get lost anyway. It is therefore much better for the country and this campaign that I remove myself from an area where I should not have been in the first place and have all the media coverage follow me for the next several days than it would be for me to remain a distraction to the more important issues, whatever they are, back there with the candidates.

What I meant to say was: "John Kerry is a liar and a coward -- just ask John Kerry."

I hope this clears everything up . . . no, seriously . . . I, uh . . . I'm . . . um . . . I'm sorry.

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