We all have pet peeves. Some of us have several. Some people feel like they married their pet peeve. Or at least married into their family. It may be something in their job, or on their commute, or something one of the neighbors does. It could be something on TV or bloggers who incorporate endless lists of stuff. It could be something that is a constant annoyance or something that catches you off guard at random times.
It is our hot button.
Pet peeves are personal by nature but can be shared by many. They may be a minor inconvenience ignored by the vast majority but for some reason they really sizzle our bacon!
I have seen (usually in a reflective surface) a normally calm, reasonable person go from zero to apeshit in a split second. And why...?
Because something does not meet our expectations. A simple thing... No big deal, really... It's just that... Well... ANYBODY with HALF A BRAIN KNOWS YOU DON'T DO IT THAT WAY... IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! I MEAN, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING? A MORON COULD FIGURE IT OUT! YOU MISERABLE, ROTTEN SON OF A...
And that's how it usually goes for most of us at some time or another.
So I'd like to conduct a little survey. It has three parts.
- Let me know about your pet peeve. Where is your hot button?
- What is the funniest or most ridiculous pet peeve you've encountered?
- What other euphemisms for pet peeve do you know, ie.: sizzles my bacon, grinds my gears, etc.
Oh, yeah. I guess you want to hear MY pet peeve. It's nothing really. It just bugs me when there are unmarked, locked doors on the front of an open building. Like a movie theater or a bank or a restaurant, etc. There may be three doors and one of them is randomly locked. There is no sign saying "Use Other Doors". THEY ARE JUST LOCKED. AND THERE THEY STAND, WAITING FOR US TO PUSH OR PULL THEM AND MAKE A FOOL OF US! THEY'RE JUST A TORN SHOULDER OR A JAMMED WRIST WAITING TO HAPPEN! AND WHY? BECAUSE SOME LAZY A**HOLE CAN'T BE BOTHERED UNLOCKING THEM ALL! AND IF THERE IS A GOOD REASON FOR KEEPING CERTAIN DOORS LOCKED - PUT UP A F**KING SIGN!
So that's what really burns my ass. Let's hear some of yours.
1 comment:
Is it too lame, banal, mundane and pedestrian to say that I HATE when drivers refuse to use their directionals when taking turns? The strange thing about my little hang-up is that I don't even drive. i walk everywhere I go. I think drivers fail to recognize that directionals are just as imporant to the walker as they are to the drivers with whom you are sharing the road. For instance, sometimes I find myself faced with the reality of having to cross a double lane street. Two cars are approaching. if the closer of the two cars were not there, I would easily be able to cross the street before the second car arrived. I accept this as Murphy's law. The traffic will be staggered this way in order to delay my crossing for as long as possible. I'd say about half the time, the first car turns up the side street where I'm waiting to cross just as it approaches. No signal. No directional. No hint that this little turn was on the cards. Now, I've missed my opportunity to cross the street, and the other cars are zooming toward me at a buck-80. If that jackass would have just used his directional, I would have known that he was turning and that I could cross. But no...he had to just go on and take that turn with neither sign nor warning to the other drivers or pedestrians.
I once had Massachusetts State Police Officer come to a screeching halt in the middle of a street and say all sorts of very unprofessional things to me about the fact that I was jaywalking. I admit, I was. But I was also stuck outside in the freezing icy rain in the dead of a Boston winter and getting to the crosswalk would have required that I walk literally 4 extra blocks.
The officer who screamed at me had taken his turn like a bat out of hell WITHOUT HIS DIRECTIONAL. I called up the Massachusetts State Police Department and complalined against the officer, with his vehicle number, etc.
Hey, people! Like it or not..some people are walkers, and some drivers use their directionals as required by law.
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