Saturday, June 14, 2008

The God's, Themselves

The whole nature vs. nurture debate came full cycle today when a friend of mine told me I was God. My first instinct was to say, "Whoa there, big guy! I only bought you a drink!"

Actually, I was talking with him about the nature of God and he was telling me about how each of us are of the God essence. That everything was God and God is everything. And that once we understand this, it is easier to accept what life throws at us. He went on to say that our Egos are actually intellectual constructs that divert our true God nature away from good and the oneness we should feel with our fellow man and the universe and, indeed, ourselves. And that our Egos explain how an evil person could still be of the God essence.

Well, I've never been a dog to let go of a good bone so I had to ask him if not believing in myself was a new form of atheism. He knew that I knew better than that, however. I mean, what with my being God and all.

And, I have to admit, once I had gotten used to the idea, a certain smugness settled over me. I cast an imperious glance at the mirror across the room and was surprised (and pleased) to see that God wasn't taller. And He had a magnificent tan, to boot.

What finally brought this spontaneous worship service to a Graceless halt was when it occurred to my God-like brain that my friend was saying that HE was God, too. Then I got to thinking about the thought processes that had to have led him to his religious philosophies.

Finally, I had to ask him exactly how much of his ego he had tied up in this philosophy, anyway. Of course I already knew the answer. You know, being God and all.

Oh, and by the way, God's wife is HOT! You know who I mean, what with YOU being God and all.


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