Beware! Beware! All who pass beyond this point have been warned...
...What? You're still reading? This is my point, exactly! I have been noticing a correlation between my readers and vapid stares. Empty gazes. Silly grins. A certain diminution of IQ.
I write about Wife Whisperers and I attract more female attention. I jump out of an airplane and everybody wants to jump out of an airplane. I stop dating red heads and I'm inundated by blonds. Now don't get me wrong. I appreciate the attention, but I'm thinking something else is going on here.
Like the time I rushed to Victoria Secret's 50% Off Sale and they were still modeling the entire ensembles. I never know what people are thinking.
Take my friend Kenn for an example. When I first met him, his name was Ken. But after three years of reading my blog he can't even spell his own name correctly. What's with the extra n, buddy? Did you flunk Abbreviation Class in grade school? Were all of the cool nicknames taken? And he's just one example.
Apparently several of my blogs have been read during a study group exploring Spiritual Enlightenment. As Larry the Cable Guy says, "I don't care who you are - that's funny."
So it got me to thinking. How can these otherwise bright people find themselves going after the shiny lure? It's not the brilliant writing. Or the original ideas. I've actually looked up the word derivative in the dictionary and copied it into a blog, for God's sake!
Something else must be going on.
Maybe the neo-Gothic architecture of my blog's typeface was once used in a voodoo zombie sacrifice and the residual demonic aura is still working it's hoodoo? Maybe the steady drone of my uninspired wording is hypnotizing my readers into a passive state of non-productivity? Maybe the letter n is stuck on Kennnnn's keyboard.
We may never know.
But I can tell you three things. I'm not getting the benefit of the extra IQ points being left behind. The more points you lose here the more likely you are to return. And, but for a difference of 3 points, this would be Kenn's blog.
I thinnk by Kenn addinng ann extra n he seems more distinnguised (nnot that he truly nneeds help lookinng distinnguised)! I thinnk Kennn comes from Kennneth having 2ns. Boy this is becoming very connfusinng.
How do you NOT get it? I mean the esoteric value of the extra "n". The n stands for n-lightment! Drat those cursed 3 points.
Hey Kenn, Johnny already has the double N, you left out the y. By adding the second N to your name where you trying to keep up with him? By reading the comments by others and my own remark I can see Johnny's point about diminished intelligence from reading his blog.
Why not just become Johann than you can feel equal to Kenn. WOW - what a concept!
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNticing. Love being someone who gets it! Kenn sounds like someone with a nice head of hair. Could I be right?
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